===================== Product Identification ===================== Product ID:FLEXCO #76 PART B MSDS Date:01/01/1987 FSC:8030 NIIN:00N006649 === Responsible Party === Company Name:FLEXCO INC. (GIBSON-HOMANS-MFR) Emergency Phone Num:205-383-5441 CAGE:8Z266 === Contractor Identification === Company Name:FLEXCO INC. (GIBSON-HOMANS-MFR) CAGE:8Z266 ============= Composition/Information on Ingredients ============= Ingred Name:POLYAMIDE RESIN (%=35-45) Ingred Name:ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (SARA III) CAS:67-63-0 RTECS #:NT8050000 Fraction by Wt: 10% OSHA PEL:400 PPM/500 STEL ACGIH TLV:400 PPM/500STEL;9192 ===================== Hazards Identification ===================== Effects of Overexposure:INHAL HIGH VAP CONC POSS DIZZ,HDACH,UNCONSCIOUS,IRRIT OF RESP TRACT.ACUTE EXP TO VAOR (SEE SUPP DATA ======================= First Aid Measures ======================= First Aid:EYES: FLUSH W/PLENTY OF H*2O FOR @ LEAST 15 MIN. SEE PHYSICIAN. SKIN: WASH W/H*2O. INHAL: RMV PERSON FROM SOURCE & RESTORE BREATHING IF NECESS. KEEP CALM & CALL DR. INGEST: TREAT SYMPTOMATICALLY & SEE PHYSICIAN. ===================== Fire Fighting Measures ===================== Flash Point:105F (41C), TCC Extinguishing Media:CO*2, DRY CHEMICAL Fire Fighting Procedures:WEAR FUME OR GAS MASK Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazard:NONE ================== Accidental Release Measures ================== Spill Release Procedures:SCRAPE UP EXCESS. CLEAN UP EXCESS WITH 1/1 MIXTURE OF TOLUOL OR XYLOL/ALCOHOL(SOLOX OR ISOPROPYL) & RAGS.SCRUB W/HOT DETERGENT SOLUTION. ====================== Handling and Storage ====================== Handling and Storage Precautions:DO NOT STORE OUT-OF-DOORS OR NEAR SOURCES OF HEAT OR FLAME. ============= Exposure Controls/Personal Protection ============= Respiratory Protection:NONE W/ADEQUATE VENT Ventilation:MECHANICAL VENT TO KEEP VAOR BELOW TLV. Protective Gloves:RUBBER/PLASTIC Eye Protection:SAFETY GOGGLES OR MASK Supplemental Safety and Health EFFECTS OF OVEREXP: POSS EYE,NOSE,THROAT IRRIT.SKIN IRRIT W/PRLNG,RPTD CONTACT. ================== Physical/Chemical Properties ================== HCC:F4 Boiling Pt:B.P. Text:400F Spec Gravity:1.648 Evaporation Rate & Reference:1.44 (N-BUTYL AC) Solubility in Water:0 Appearance and Odor:LIGHT GRAY;AMMONIACAL ODOR. Percent Volatiles by Volume:16.0 ================= Stability and Reactivity Data ================= Stability Indicator/Materials to Avoid:YES OXIDIZING MATERIALS Stability Condition to Avoid:OPEN FLAME Hazardous Decomposition Products:CO, ORGANIC COMPOUNDS W/UNKNOWN STRUCTURES. ==================== Disposal Considerations ==================== Waste Disposal Methods:DISPOSE IAW FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies): This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department of Defense. The United States of America in no manner whatsoever, expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and disclaims all liability for its use. Any person utilizing this document should seek competent professional advice to verify and assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their particular situation.